Download-Only User Setup

ExaVault supports download-only users, which let your clients download (but not upload or delete) files from your account.

Setting Up a Download-Only User

How to create a download only user.

To set up a download-only user:

1. Log in to ExaVault file manager as the master account user or as an admin user.

2. Click the Users button on the toolbar.

3. Click the ADD NEW USER button.

In the new user window:

1. Enter the nickname, username, email, and password for the user.

2. Click the PERMISSIONS tab to access the user security settings.

3. Use the change link to assign a home directory for the user.

4. Turn off all user permissions except Download files and folders and See files and folders.

5. Click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Your user will be able to log in and download files.

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