Copying, Moving, and Renaming

Copying Files and Folders

Copying multiple files or folders.

The file manager allows you to copy file(s) and folder(s) on your server!

To copy a single file or folder:

1. Click the actions drop-down menu next to the item you want to copy.

2. Select the Copy option.

3. Select the destination folder for your item.

4. Click the OK button to copy the item to the new location.

You can also create destination folders by clicking the NEW FOLDER button and entering a new folder.

Copying Multiple Files or Folders

Copying multiple files or folders.

You can also pick and choose multiple files and folders to copy:

1. Check the boxes next to the items that you want to copy.

2. Click the COPY button on the toolbar.

3. Select the destination folder for your selected items.

4. Click the OK button.

Moving Files and Folders

Moving files and folders.

The file manager also allows you to move file(s) and folder(s) on your server.

To move a single file or folder:

1. Click the actions drop-down menu next to the item you want to move.

2. Select the Move option.

3. Select the destination folder for your item.

4. Click the OK button.

You can also create destination folders by clicking the NEW FOLDER button and entering a new folder.

Moving Multiple Files or Folders

Moving multiple files or folders.

You can also pick and choose multiple files and folders to move:

1. Check the boxes next to the items that you want to move.

2. Click the MOVE button on the toolbar.

3. Select the destination folder for your items.

4. Click the OK button.

Moving Files and Folders with Drag and Drop

Moving Files and Folders with Drag and Drop

ExaVault file manager provides powerful drag and drop capabilities that allow you to move files:

1. Click and hold the item that you want to move.

2. Drag it to the destination folder.

Renaming Files and Folders

Renaming files and folders.

You can rename files and folders on the server:

1. Click the actions drop-down menu next to the file or folder you want to rename.

2. Click the Rename option.

3. Enter the new name for your file or folder.

4. Click the save link to complete the name change.

Filename Limitations

  • While we accept all UTF characters in uploads, filenames must be fewer than 160 characters long, including the extension type characters.
  • Additionally, filenames can not include any forward slashes “/”.
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